Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Observation #3

This observation was a lot of fun. It should be filmed and sold as a tutorial about how not to teach. I have never even imagined a teacher this poor. It is a miracle he still has his job. This was a Geometry class which was probably comprised of mostly sophomores. One might have mistake this classroom as a zoo.

Before the bell rings students are literally running around and screaming.

11:34 AM - Bell rings. Class Begins.

11:44 – Teacher attempts to begin class.

A student walking past me utters in a not so quiet tone, “I’m impressed you still have your job.”

The warm-up begins.

There is a written objective on the board but it is never reviewed.

After being told multiple times to take his earphones out, a male student persists in listening to music. At first he tries to hide it with his hand but eventually pays no attention to the teacher’s requests to have them removed.

One student yells, “Shut the f*ck up!” No consequence.

The teacher then singles out and chastises a student about not completing an assignment. 15-20 seconds is utilized on this instructional strategy.

After another attempt by the teacher to get compliance from the student about his earphones, the student blatantly ignores each command. No consequence.

Across the room I can hear students talk in a surprisingly disrespectful manner about the teacher. I am sure he can hear them, at least I hope he can.

At this point, the teacher is merely talking to himself. No one from what I can tell is paying any attention. He calls students to answer questions while they have obscenity filled conversations. Students refuse to answer or cannot answer and he just continues on.

There are notes being passed all over the room.

After one female used an obscenity, the teacher responds, “A pretty girl and a foul mouth don’t go together.”

Student throws a paper ball at the teacher. No consequence.

12:26 – Students completely out of control. One student attempts to leave the class room while the teachers back is turned.

12:30 – Class ends.

The problem with this teacher is that he obviously tries to be a friend to the students. He is a lenient teacher that did not establish authority. If you don’t establish it at the beginning, you will lose control. Students are not your peers. Don’t try to be friends with them. Just be friendly.

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